Does my Business Need a Social Media Policy?

category: social media policy small business social media type: blog

A common misconception is that only large companies or those with multiple people performing social media duties need a policy. While those companies certainly do, a social media policy is also important for small business, solopreneurs, and independent professionals. If your business is engaging on social media without a policy, you may be putting your business reputation at risk.


A social media policy […] is a corporate code of conduct that provides guidelines for [people] who post content on the Internet either as part of their job or as a private person. -

If you're still not convinced, glance through these questions and consider how they could affect your business.


Do you…

  • Have employees/consultants who do social media for your business?

  • Have employees/consultants that have personal social media accounts?

  • Ever need to temporarily pass your social media activity to someone else?

  • Plan on selling your business one day?

If the answer to any of these is yes, then you need a policy!


Do you…

If the answer to any of these is no, then you need a policy!



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